2023-2024 High Plains Elementary Sponsorship Program
Did you know that your sponsorship contribution directly impacts the programs available to
students of High Plains Elementary School? Your contribution supports:
Teachers’ Aids Salaries, Reading Programs, Classroom Holiday Parties, Field Trips, Playground
Equipment, Technology Programs, and other Academic Enrichment Programs.
Your tax-deductible donation also supports your business' success!
Sponsors enjoy signage at:
Back-to-School Night, Celebration of Culture, Family Fun Night, the Annual Auction, and more!
But that’s not all! We provide even more opportunities for brand recognition:
Shout-outs in the High Plains Happenings e-mails with links to your website
Highlights on PTCO facebook page
Logos on the PTCO website
Recognition in event materials
Recognition in Friday folders
Will you support us as a sponsor of High Plains Elementary? Tax-Deductible Donation request: $1,000
New this year: Auction Sponsorships Combine your sponsorship with an auction sponsorship for even more impact!
Questions? E-mail us at HighPlainsSponsorship@gmail.com or contact our Corporate
Partnership Committee Chair, Andrea Blackwelder, at 719-740-0806.