How are PTCO funds spent?

The money raised by the PTCO is used in a variety of ways. We budget for an array of expenses that enhance our children's educational experience and help strengthen our community. Some examples include:

  • Community building events;
  • Field trips;
  • Classroom parties;
  • An annual allowance for each teacher to be spent on classroom necessities;
  • Technology subscriptions;
  • Teacher aid salaries;
  • Continuation ceremony;

… and much more! Please take some time to review our budget for more specifics.

Because of the generosity of this community, we are often fortunate enough to have excess, non-budgetary funds that are used to fund special projects based on the needs of the school. At the end of the 2019 school year, the PTCO helped purchase additional furniture for the classrooms in coordination with the District’s innovation project. In previous years, the PTCO funded the addition of the track around the field east of the school and has purchased new Chromebooks, bike racks, gym mats, books, and classroom equipment, among many other items. These non-budgetary disbursements are typically made at the end of the year, and the spending is usually based on a specific list of needs developed by our principal. The entire High Plains community is asked to vote on these distributions prior to approval.